Weather in Positano

When is the best time to go to Positano? We can tell you the weather conditions in the town and the forecast for the right dates.

Positano is a true paradise for a reason, as the weather forecast in Positano offers sunny days almost all year round. The season lasts from May to October and some tourists even go on holiday at the end of the Velvet season, in November.

If you are interested in the 14-day weather forecast for Positano during spring, the best time to visit is in April when the temperatures are about 23°C and the sea about 20°C. The month of May also brings good weather. May also brings a good weather forecast for 3 days in Positano: the air is +24°C and the sea is above +20°C.

Summers are hot and sunny. The air temperature reaches +26-28 ° C and the water up to + 27 ° C. If you can't stand the heat, you may want to delay your holiday in Positano until the Velvet season, or save your trip for spring.

sunny Positano

The weather forecast for Positano in autumn, in September and October, is for bright sunshine and a warm sea. The thermometer outside will read +20-24°C and it's the perfect time for a swim.

In winter, the temperature drops, but not quite as dramatically or perceptibly. The weather forecast for 5 days in Positano between December and February will surprise you with a figure of +15-16°C and some tourists are even able to enjoy a swim at this time. February and March are the toughest months in Positano with temperatures dropping to 0°C at times and snow falling in the mountains. However, this is unusual for the resort and the weather forecast for Positano is nothing to worry about in the near future.

High season in Positano

When is the best time to visit Positano?

The tourist season on the Tyrrhenian coast lasts from May to October. It is during this period that it is best to plan your trip to Positano without hesitation. In May, it is already warm enough to take walks along the coast and go swimming.

It's worth considering before announcing, "I'm going to Positano in the summer." July and August are the hottest months on the coast, so if you're not a fan of temperatures above 30°C, it's better to postpone your trip to the shoulder season.

In autumn, especially in September and October, the influx of tourists does not decrease due to the excellent air temperature and warm sea. Therefore, accommodation prices remain unchanged and certainly not budget-friendly. In principle, Italy is not a destination for budget travel, but if you're interested in when it's cheaper to visit Positano, it's likely to be in winter. The temperature generally doesn't drop below 15°C, and experienced tourists even go swimming.

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