Emergency telephone numbers in Rapallo

We hope that these contacts will not be of any use to you on your holiday. Still, in the event of an emergency in Rapallo, you'll know where to find them.

The emergency number that operates in all EU countries is 112. Here the tourist will be answered in various languages. Italy also has its own national emergency number, 113. In addition, the country has several police departments with different functions (State Police, City and Municipal Police, Carabinieri, Military Police). Law enforcement officers can help tourists in any situation.

If you lose your passport, you should contact the embassy as soon as possible. If you have a health problem, you can contact the hotel staff who have all the necessary rooms of the nearest medical facilities.

There is a tourist information office on the grounds of Rapallo.

Information service: 100

ambulance: 118

Fire Protection: 115

Car Repair Service: 116

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