Rapallo weather

When is the best time to go to Rapallo? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The weather in Rapallo is traditionally marked by hot Mediterranean summers and moderately cool winters. July and August are the hottest months, but temperatures in June and September are also quite high. During the average summer months in Rapallo, be prepared for temperatures in the low 30s and mid 40s. Sometimes the asphalt road turns into a rubber tutti-frutti, leaving dents from the tyre tracks of even small scooters. On the coast it's advisable to walk with shoes on during sunny hours, but rather enjoy your holiday in the shade.

Rapallo on a spring night

For those travelling to Italy from June to September, it is important to be prepared so that the hot weather in Rapallo for a week does not spoil your holiday. For example, check with the hotel to make sure there is air conditioning in the room and don't forget sunscreen.

Many locals leave the big cities in summer for the mountains or the sea. By August, the metropolises resemble ghost towns, mostly occupied by tourists. The 14 days of sunny weather in Rapallo can't compare to the sultry heat of Italy's major cities like Rome and Milan. For the summer travelers, it is recommended to visit Rome for 1-2 days and focus your holiday in Rapallo.

The weather forecast for Rapallo will tell you what to expect in the resort in the next few days. But apart from the sun's activity, tiger mosquitoes are also active in the south of Italy. It is advisable to take mosquito repellent on your trip.

Rapallo on a cold, windy day

When is it cheaper to travel to Rapallo?

The "high season in Rapallo," like in most beach resorts, falls in July-August. During these months, the cost of apartment rentals here may be inflated. Additionally, it's worth considering that European tourists often plan their vacations several months in advance, reserving the most optimal options for their leisure. Many travelers wonder when is the best time to visit Rapallo? It all depends on the purpose of your stay - whether it's a beach vacation, a romantic weekend, or an educational and sightseeing tour.

Rapallo in high season

For beach holidays, June and September are better suited, while for romantic and sightseeing tours the spring or winter months are suitable. The "I'm going to Rapallo" status will be valid for any time of year, whatever the reason and the desire to travel.It should be noted that sightseeing tickets can be discounted for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. State monuments and museums do not charge pensioners and children under 18 years of age. There is also a "heritage week" in Italy in April, when admission to all public museums is free.

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