Weather in Rimini

When is the best time to go to Rimini? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


March is not the best time to visit Rimini, but in April, you can confidently come here if you prefer sightseeing over a resort vacation. The weather forecast for Rimini during this time promises minimal precipitation and air temperatures ranging from +10 to +15°C.

These are comfortable conditions for walking around the old town and exploring the nearby attractions. The resort season starts from the second half of May, but before heading here, check the weather forecast for Rimini at least 3 days in advance: the sea is still cold, and you will have to rely only on sunbathing.

Spring in Rimini


Most tourists prefer to relax on the Adriatic coast during the summer when the air temperature rises above +20°C (usually in early June), and the water temperature approaches this mark.

However, if you have decided to go to Rimini in August, it is worth considering how well you tolerate the heat. Check the weather forecast for Rimini for the week to avoid visiting the resort during the hottest period when the air temperature exceeds 30°C. Typically, in July-August, the air here heats up to around +27°C.

Summer in Rimini


Early autumn on the Adriatic coast marks the beginning of the velvet season. Throughout September, the thermometer rarely drops below +20-23°C, and the weather remains mostly dry and sunny.

However, if you are planning to visit the resort closer to October, it is worth checking the weather forecast for Rimini for 5 days since heavy rainfall is not uncommon in mid-autumn. October is generally the month when the rainy season starts in Rimini, and it can spoil your vacation even with relatively warm weather. In November, the temperature drops to around +10°C, and the characteristic dampness of this time does not contribute to comfortable walks.

Autumn in Rimini


Is it worth visiting Rimini in winter if you simply want to see the sights and breathe in the sea air? According to tourist reviews, it is not the best option as many hotels are not heated during the winter period, and most amusement parks are closed or only open on weekends.

Bus services to nearby towns also come to a halt during the winter and resume only at the end of May. But if that doesn't bother you, check the weather forecast for Rimini for 14 days ahead: the air temperature will likely range from +5-10°C, but fog and rain can dampen the mood and disrupt plans.

Winter in Rimini

When is it cheaper to visit Rimini?

Undoubtedly, from November to March, there is a significant decrease in tourist flow on the Adriatic coast, which results in a significant reduction in hotel prices.

In addition, from January 5th, the traditional sales season begins in stores, allowing you to combine your New Year holidays in Europe with economical shopping. Also, from mid-December to early January, you will have the opportunity to participate in popular festivities, but it's worth noting that a large portion of the city's tourist infrastructure does not operate during this period.

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