Viareggio weather

When is the best time to go to Viareggio? We will tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


March in the resort is chilly and unpleasant, but by mid-April, the daytime temperature reaches around +18°C, although it remains cool at night, no higher than +14-15°C. By mid-May, the air in Viareggio warms up to at least +20°C, but there can be sudden drops in temperature at night to around +10°C. The sea water is also not yet warm enough for the full beach season, with temperatures around +18°C.

spring in Viareggio


In summer, Viareggio experiences the influence of high-pressure systems, where dry and warm air descends upon the moist sea air, making rainfall unlikely. Sometimes, during the summer months when the average temperature reaches around +25-27°C, the weather forecast in Viareggio for the week may predict brief thunderstorms. Overall, during this time of year, the weather in Viareggio is clear and sunny for about 14 days, with no hint of even light cloudiness.

summer in Viareggio,


The comfortable temperature for a great vacation in Viareggio lasts until the end of September to mid-October. During this period, the daytime temperature doesn't drop below +20°C, but evenings and nights can be quite chilly, averaging around +13°C.

autumn beach


The coldest months in the resort are January and February. During this time, the daytime temperature is around +10°C, and at night, it can drop to +5–6°C. There are occasional heavy rains, and in mountainous areas, snowfall can occur. Sometimes, during winter, the weather in Viareggio can be so rainy for three days that the region receives almost the entire annual rainfall in that short period.

If you are planning a vacation on the Ligurian Sea coast, check the weather forecast in Viareggio for 5 days and pack your suitcase accordingly, taking into account the predicted temperatures provided by meteorologists.

winter weather in the city

When is the best time to visit Viareggio?

The optimal time to visit is the second half of summer. Whether to travel to Viareggio in May or June is up to you, as the weather during this time may not be particularly comfortable or stable for beach activities.

If you want to visit the city during the famous Italian Winter Festival (keep an eye on the dates as they change every year), plan your vacation for the winter.

When is Viareggio cheaper to visit?

The quietest season here is from the second half of October to the middle of December, and then from March to the first half of May. During this time, the cost of accommodation and activities is the lowest, but you may not enjoy it as much as other seasons because the sea is quite cold, and there are no interesting events taking place.

There aren't many tourists in Viareggio in May and the first month of summer, so prices for accommodation are slightly lower during that time. Hotels, in particular, are more willing to offer discounts on stays.

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