How do I get to Almeria from the airport?

If you are going to travel to Almeria on your own, research all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

From the airport to the city of Almeria you can take bus number 20. It runs daily from the airport terminal building to the city center. Almeria Airport is located 8 kilometers east of the provincial capital and 500 meters from the coast, so during the trip tourists will enjoy beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. The trip time is 35 minutes. The cost of a bus ticket to Almeria is 1.05 EUR. In addition, you can buy a pass for 10 trips for 7.45 EUR. There are discounts for students and pensioners.

Departure times of the bus from the airport to Almeria: 07:10, 08:20, 09:30, 10:40, 11:50, 13:00, 14:10, 15:20, 17:30, 18:40, 19:50, 21:00 and 22:10.

Departure times from Almeria to the airport are 06:45, 07:55, 09:05, 10:15, 11:25, 12:35, 13:45, 14:55, 17:05, 18:15, 19.25, 20:35 and 21:45.

For those who like comfort, we offer cab services. The cost of the trip to (or from) the airport includes a surcharge of 4.64 EUR to the check. We advise you to make sure that the cab driver has switched on the meter when boarding. It is recommended to keep the receipt for filing a complaint or claim.

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