How much does it cost to live in Almeria?

When thinking about a trip to Almeria, it is better to find out in advance the rates in local hotels. We have graded the cost of rooms in different classes of hotels.

Prices for accommodation in Almeria vary depending on the chosen category of hotel, villa or hostel. For example, 3 star hotels in Almeria offer apartments for 35-50 EUR per day.

In turn, hotels in Almeria 4 stars offer a daily rate for a room without meals for at least 60-80 EUR. The cost of accommodation in hotels located on the first coastline or near the beaches can be much more expensive.

In addition, in the vicinity of Almeria you can rent a budget villa with a sea view. So, for 400 EUR per day you can rent a villa with 6 bedrooms, designed for 1216 people. This option is perfect for large companies.

The cost of renting a villa with 4 bedrooms for 8 people is at least 165 EUR per day. Traditional houses have outdoor pools. Sometimes the descent to the sea near the villa is difficult, because they are located in a rocky area, so you need to walk to the beach, but the charm of snow-white houses and sea views more than compensate for minor shortcomings.

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