Weather in Almeria

When is the best time to travel to Almeria? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Almeria is famous for its hot, sultry summers and calm, warm winters. The region enjoys 320 days of sunshine every year. There are only 26 days of rain and other precipitation per year. During the coldest winter in Almeria, the temperature dropped to 0.2°C in 1935. The average temperature during the winter months is +18°C during the day and +8°C at night. Short showers or thunderstorms then occur in the mountainous areas.

storm off the coast of Almeria

During the warmest months of July and August, Almeria's skies remain clear and sunny, with temperatures reaching +33°C. During this time, under the influence of the hot, dry easterly wind from the Levant, which blows from the desert, temperatures can rise to +38°C. The minimum temperature in Almeria during the summer months is +24°C. In August 2011, heat waves warmed the air to + 43°C.

During the summer in Almeria, be prepared for temperatures to fluctuate between +26-30°C. July is the driest month, while June is relatively cool with occasional showers. In summer in Almeria you can sunbathe for 12 hours a day.

In the fall, the thermometer begins to gradually decline, dropping from 27°C in September to +19°C in November. In addition, in November in Almeria you can enjoy only 6 hours of sunshine a day.

sunny weather in Almeria

When is it cheaper to go to Almeria?

In the off-season, Almeria's hotels offer discounts and promotions for travelers, but during the fall and winter, you shouldn't expect to be able to swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the warm, dry climate, the water temperature in the Mediterranean will not exceed +15°C, although the cool sea will not prevent you from enjoying the splendor of the coastline, natural beauty and architecture of the resort region.

The optimal period for a beach vacation in Almeria is from May to September, when the water in the sea and air temperature is warm enough. In July and August the words "I'm going to Almeria" take on a sunny, hot meaning, and in the fall and winter Almeria is perfect for a relaxing romantic, yet educational, weekend getaway.

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