Public transportation in Almeria

The cheapest way to get around Almeria is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

Public transportation in Almeria is provided by 15 bus routes of the company Surbus. Depending on the holiday season, the city adjusts its bus schedule. For fares and the route of public transportation in Almeria, please visit site. The minimum fare is 0.95 EUR.

The intermodal train station in Almeria is located outside the historic center. From Almeria, there is a daily train service to Granada. The train travel time is about 2 hours. There are also non-stop trains from Almería to Seville (5.5 hours) and Madrid (6.5 hours).

In addition, near Almeria there is a bypass road - the highway A-7/AP-7 "Mediterranean", which runs through Girona-Barcelona-Barcelona-Valencia-Murcia-Almeria-Malaga-Algeciras. Also, many tourists who rent a car travel the A-92 highway from Almeria through Granada to Seville.

Taxis in Almeria are white, with a red transverse stripe on the front door. Tele Taxi's phone number is 950-25-11-11-11 and Radio Taxi's phone number is 950-22-61-61.

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