Weather in Valencia

The hottest times are July and August, the coldest is January. Want to know more about the weather in Valencia? Read on.

The good news is that you can check the weather in Valencia once every 14 days, as there is minimal precipitation and no frost even in winter. The climate in the city is Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and humid, mild winters - the heat is well tolerated thanks to the proximity of the sea.

The coldest month of the year is January (the minimum weather forecast for Valencia at this time is +9-10°C), and storm winds from the Pyrenees can aggravate the situation.

The hottest time is July and August, when the thermometer never drops below +30-31°C. Nevertheless, most tourists prefer to go to Valencia for summer vacations because of its good beaches and affordable prices (compared to resort towns in the Mediterranean). The answer to the question "When is the best time to go to Valencia?" depends on how you see your vacation - economical, maximum saturation or beach.

"High" season begins in late March, when the air warms up to +18°C, and lasts until early October. A couple of other busy periods are mid-February (when the Winter Carnival takes place in Valencia) and the first half of March (Las Fallas - Spaniards celebrate the arrival of spring).Beach season opens at the end of May, when the water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to +20° Celsius. There is no need to check the weather in Valencia for every 3 days - the amount of precipitation is minimal.

From the second half of September the velvet season begins in Valencia.

A drop in tourist activity is noticeable from the beginning of November to the end of December (brief revival at Christmas holidays - and again quiet January). The most popular month among budget tourists is November.

The average air temperature is +18-19 ° C, you can check the weather in Valencia in 5-8 days, the water is still relatively warm (about +17 ° C). However, before departure it is necessary to know the weather in Valencia for a week - in late fall most of the precipitation falls out.

When is it cheaper to travel to Valencia? Of course, in the "low" season: firstly, there is less demand for accommodation and you can find a budget room in a good neighborhood, and secondly, in winter Valencia has grandiose sales.

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