Basic information about Valencia

Basic information about Valencia. History and geographical facts.

Valencia is the capital of the province of the same name and one of the largest cities in Spain. It is located near the Mediterranean Sea, near the mouth of the Turia River.

Valencia's population today is around 800,000, the third highest in Spain after the capital city Madrid and Barcelona. Nearly 15% of the city's residents are foreigners, with many people from South America, Africa and post-Soviet countries in Valencia.

Valencia was founded before our era - in 138 AD the city was built by the Romans, who 5 centuries later were expelled by the Visigoths. The latter did not stay long - from 714 Valencia became part of the Caliphate of Cordoba and then the capital of the Moorish kingdom.

The city became a Christian city relatively late: in the XIII century King Jaime I of Aragon expelled the Moors and declared Valencia an independent state. Since that time, the city began a period of economic prosperity - a silk exchange appeared in Valencia, the Cathedral was built, and in 1437 the Holy Grail (the same one Indiana Jones was hunting for!) was delivered to the city.

According to legend, it was from this cup that Jesus drank at the Last Supper, and later St. Joseph collected the Savior's blood in the same cup. The cup still stands in the Chapter Hall of the Cathedral and, according to local authorities, is officially recognized by the Vatican.

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