Public transportation in Sharjah

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about Sharjah's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation in Sharjah

Represented by buses, with routes and timetables available on the official website. City buses travel on 9 routes and operate daily from 5:30 to 23:30. The fare for this public transport service in Sharjah is AED 5, but if you plan to travel a lot, you can use the Sayer Card in denominations of AED 45, 90 or 180 (with an additional AED 5 fee).

Local Transportation

Taxis are also available to get around the city and surrounding areas. Prices for this transportation in Sharjah are very reasonable, with all city companies charging the same rates, although they are slightly higher than cabs in other emirates. Taxis can be ordered by phone or stopped right on the street. Cab drivers charge 0.25 AED for every 162.5 meters, with an additional boarding fee of 3 AED during the day and 4 AED at night (from 23:00 to 5:59). If you need to travel to the central or eastern area of the emirate, every 250 meters of travel will cost you 0.25 AED, with a landing fee of 2 AED during daytime hours and 2.5 AED at night..

And if you're in the mood for a more active vacation, the Nova Park Hotel in Sharjah is a great place to rent a bicycle.


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