Sharjah Weather

When is the best time to travel to Sharjah? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Summer is extremely hot here: in June, the air temperature in Sharjah consistently rises above +40°С. The coldest month is January. At this time, the weather forecast in Sharjah for 14 days, or even for the whole month usually promises a daytime temperature of +20-25°C. In February-March, the heat is usual for these places: even against the background of periodic precipitation, the weather forecast in Sharjah predicts temperatures up to +28°C.

If you are going on vacation, check the weather forecast for Sharjah for 3 days or a week, depending on the duration of your stay in the city.

If your plans include beach vacations and active water sports, then in addition to the weather in Sharjah for 5 days, study information about the tides of the Persian Gulf. They are quite strong in this area, plus underwater coastal currents are quite noticeable. Although storms are rare in the area.


When is the best time to go to Sharjah?

In view of the "hot" nature and climate of Sharjah, our compatriots are advised to travel here in the second half of fall or the first half of spring. Should I go to Sharjah in winter? Why not if you're not planning a family beach vacation, but want to walk around the city and surrounding areas, visit museums and admire the sights.

When is it cheaper to travel to Sharjah?

The most economical way to travel to Sharjah is in summer, but the heat is so intense and hard to bear, especially for those with heart problems, that it's unlikely you'll be able to have a truly comfortable vacation.

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