Summer is extremely hot here: in June, the air temperature in Sharjah consistently rises above +40°С. The coldest month is January. At this time, the weather forecast in Sharjah for 14 days, or even for the whole month usually promises a daytime temperature of +20-25°C. In February-March, the heat is usual for these places: even against the background of periodic precipitation, the weather forecast in Sharjah predicts temperatures up to +28°C.
If you are going on vacation, check the weather forecast for Sharjah for 3 days or a week, depending on the duration of your stay in the city.
If your plans include beach vacations and active water sports, then in addition to the weather in Sharjah for 5 days, study information about the tides of the Persian Gulf. They are quite strong in this area, plus underwater coastal currents are quite noticeable. Although storms are rare in the area.