Public transportation in Split

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about Split's transportation links and ticket prices.

City transportation

Split's most popular public transportation is buses. Tickets are almost European-style expensive, but the transportation is comfortable, clean and modern. For this mode of transportation in Split prices are as follows: when buying a ticket from the driver - 11 HRK, at a kiosk at the bus stop for two trips - 18 HRK. Tourists are advised to be interested in paying for luggage in Split transportation: sometimes in the city buses require 3-5 HRK for each seat. Fine for fare evasion in Split - from 180 HRK.

And for the agile, the most popular transportation in Split is a bicycle. An hour's rental costs about 20 HRK, a day's rental costs 140 HRK, with discounts available for long-term rentals. With a bike, you can ride to the coast, nearby towns, climb to the top of hills and even take your transport to the ferry.

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