Prices for vacations in Rethymno

Rethymnon does have many types of activities, but how much does a vacation in this city cost?

Holidays in Rethymnon are generally budget-friendly, and Greece, in general, offers attractive prices for accommodation and entertainment. While we've discussed airfare, accommodation, food, and transportation costs in other sections, let's delve into the expenses you can expect for various types of entertainment in Rethymno.

- Amusement and water parks: Entrance fees typically range from 12 to 25 EUR per person, which is quite affordable by European standards.

- Snorkeling: Expect to pay around 50 EUR for a snorkeling experience.

- Scuba diving: A full day of diving, including two dives from the board, usually costs approximately 100 EUR, and you might need to add an extra 20 EUR for equipment rental.

- Souvenirs: Souvenirs in Rethymnon are reasonably priced. Popular Greek natural cosmetics can be found for as little as 1 EUR, while other souvenirs start from around 5 EUR.

In summary, Rethymnon doesn't demand extravagant budgets, making it an excellent choice for travelers looking to enjoy a cost-effective vacation.

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