Ski vacations in Spain

The best ski resorts in Spain.

Ski resorts in Spain are plentiful. And while we know Spain as a hot southern European country, many mountain tops have snow for three or four months of the year, and there are glaciers.

When people talk about Spain skiing, the resort most often mentioned is Sierra Nevada. You can read more detailed information about these resorts in the corresponding sections of our site. Nevertheless, we have collected the main ones here so that you can get oriented. The most popular resort in the Iberian mountain system is Valdescaray in Rioja.

Iberian mountain system (Cordillera Iberica) refers to the eastern edge of Meseta. It is a whole system of mountain ranges, plateaus and plateaus, forming a complex network of slopes and gorges. It's dry and hot, but the Iberian Mountains themselves stretch from Burgos to the Mediterranean coast, reaching an altitude of 2,313 meters (Mount Moncao).

They are covered in pine forests and are suitable for downhill skiing. The Sierra de la Demanda massif (2271 m), which stretches in an arc between Burgos and Logroño, is a popular sporting area. The combined Aramon Ski Area includes such famous Spanish ski resorts as:

- Valdelinares

- Javalambre


- Formigale

- Panticosa to Los Lagos.

The Aragonese Pyrenees (Pirineo Aragonese) is the central part of the mountain system in the north of the autonomous community of Aragon. Here are the peaks of Aneto (3404 m), Monte Perdido (3355 m), Vinmal (3298 m, most of the slopes in France), Pose (2275 m), the famous Somport Pass (1631 m), linking Spain with France.

South, in the Huesca area, stretches the Sierra de Guara, the southern border of the mountains. There's some wonderful mountain country here, excellent for vacationing. It's not just slopes and snow, but also hundreds of mineral springs and colorful mountain villages.

The best resorts in the Aragonese Pyrenees:

-Astun (Aragon).

-Candanchu (Aragon)

- Boi-Taul (Catalonia)

In the Catalan Pyrenees, it's worth a visit to Bakeira Beret. La Molina and Masella together form the Alp 2500 ski area. Another resort in these mountains is Port del Comte.

The central mountain system (Sistema Central) of Spain's Meseta divides the plateau into northern and southern parts. North of Madrid the mountains rise to 2400 meters above sea level, west of Madrid they reach an altitude of 2600 meters. Here they continue westward as far as Portugal. Despite the subtropics, there are many glaciers and the highest peaks are covered in snow for 6-7 months of the year.

The best resorts in the Central Mountain System:

- La Pinilla

- Valdeschi

- Puerto de Navacerrada

The Cantabrian Cordillera mountain system offers vacations in resorts such as:

- Alto Campo

- Valgrande - Pajares

-San Isidro


In addition, there are several smaller resorts in the region:

- Leitárategos

- Lunada Espinosa.

- Riano Marana

-San Emiliano

Make sure you visit:

- Port Ainé

-Espot Esqui (Catalonia)

Check out the new emerging resort areas:

- Rasos de Peguera

- Walter 2000

-Val de Nuria in the Pyrenees.

Not to forget Spain's largest piste station, La Molina. It is located in the eastern sector of the Pyrenees called La Cerdanya, 20km from the French-Spanish border and 60km from Andorra. The slopes of La Molina belong to the province of Girona and the nearest major town is Puigcerdà, which is almost on the French border.

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