Beidaihe: nearest airport

Planning to fly to Beidaihe? Find out which airport you will arrive at. You will also find in this material all the necessary information about the infrastructure of the hub.

Shoudou International Airport, also known as Beijing Capital International Airport, is conveniently located 20 kilometers northeast of the center of Beijing, making it the most accessible gateway to Beidaihe. Some travelers also mention Shanhaiguan Airport, which is situated 13 kilometers from the center of Qinhuangdao and offers regular flights to cities such as Shanghai, Shijiazhuang, Shenzhen, and others. However, for most travelers, Beijing Airport is the primary transit point on the way to Beidaihe.

You can find more information about Beijing Airport on their website, which is available here. Getting from the airport to Beijing city center typically takes between half an hour to an hour, and you can choose from various transportation options, including buses, subways, and expressways. You can refer to the airport's signage details on this page. The layout of Beijing Airport is relatively straightforward, and all signage is duplicated in English to cater to the many tourists and visitors from the West.

Beijing Airport comprises three terminals, with Terminal 3 being the largest. The terminals are designated as Terminal 3C, 3D, and 3E. Terminal 3C primarily serves local airlines, while Terminals 3D and 3E are designated for international flights. To facilitate passenger transfers, a free shuttle bus operates between Terminal 2 and Terminal 3.

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