Basic information about Beidaihe

Briefly about the main thing: the past and present of the resort.

Beidaihe is located in northern China, along the shores of Bohai Bay in the Yellow Sea. This resort city, which is actually a district of Qinhuangdao County, has been renowned for over a century, attracting not only Chinese leaders but also international tourists.

If you explore local websites or guidebooks, you may notice that many tourist attractions are listed under Qinhuangdao, even though they are situated near Beidaihe hotels. This is because Beidaihe is not an independent city but rather a district within Qinhuangdao. It's important to be aware of this to prevent confusion regarding addresses and names. The name Beidaihe translates to "river going north."

Beidaihe is located in Hebei Province, approximately 280 kilometers from Beijing. The resort is surrounded by the Yanshan Mountains, creating an ideal environment for a vacation. The population of Beidaihe and its surrounding areas primarily consists of Han Chinese. While the resort itself is relatively small, it is complemented by two neighboring villages and tourist zones with hotel complexes.

Panorama of the Dove's Nest landmark in Beidaihe

Beidaihe has a history dating back over 2,000 years. In its early days, the area was valued for its bay and the scenic coastline framed by mountains. In the late 18th century, during the Qin Dynasty, it was decided to establish a family cemetery in this region, and for many years, there was little construction here.

However, in the 19th century, the vicinity of Beidaihe saw the establishment of Linyu County, and gradually, not only missionaries and diplomats but also businesspeople started coming to this area. By the late 19th century, Beidaihe had gained recognition as a resort destination. The construction of a railroad began, cementing its status as an ideal place for relaxation.
It's worth noting that Beidaihe was primarily visited by Chinese authorities until 1979 when it began to be promoted among foreign tourists. The unique microclimate of this region has made Beidaihe a renowned medical resort, where practices like gymnastics and Qigong therapy are actively utilized.
The currency of China is the Chinese yuan, abbreviated as CNY.

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