Beidaihe Beaches

Beidaihe beach review: we'll tell you which one is best.

The coastline of Bohai Bay near Beidaihe Resort is divided into three main beaches: the West Beach, the Central Beach, and the East Mountain Beach. The most popular and bustling beaches in Beidaihe are concentrated in the central part of the coastline, where you'll find cafes, restaurants, souvenir shops, and all the essential tourist infrastructure.

If you're looking for a quieter beach experience, consider visiting West Beach. It's less crowded compared to the central beaches but still offers plenty of seating and opportunities for souvenir shopping. For a more serene and less touristy atmosphere, you can venture to the untamed East Mountain Beach.

The East Mountain Beach has fewer visitors, but it retains the charm of traditional coastal fishing practiced by local fishermen for centuries. All of Beidaihe's beaches are known for their cleanliness and good maintenance. The sea in this area is typically shallow and calm, with a sandy bottom and a gradual descent into the water, making it convenient and safe for families with children.

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