Shopping in Beidaihe

We suggest the best things to bring from Beidaihe and the best places to shop.

Beidaihe offers decent shopping opportunities with a variety of stores catering to different needs, from food to souvenirs. While Beijing is the ultimate shopping destination, you can still find some treasures here. Experts suggest exploring the center of Qinhuangdao, although prices may be slightly higher. Beidaihe itself boasts several shopping centers that are worth a visit. Here are some recommended places:

  • Hualian Shopping Center - Located on Wenhua Lu Street, accessible by bus number 34.
  • Ya Tai Shopping Center - Easily reached by a taxi ride costing 5-7 CNY.
  • Quan Yei Chang Shopping Center and Qindu Department Store - Situated in the neighboring Haigang district of Beidaihe, with regular bus services (No. 2, 8, 19, 32, and 33) available.
  • INCOO - Operating from noon to 10:30 pm, conveniently located next to People's Square in the heart of Beidaihe.

Most stores open at 9 am and close around 6-7 pm. Prices tend to be lower on weekends compared to the beginning of the week. Additionally, there is a sizable souvenir market that extends its opening hours into the evening. You can find this market near the central beaches of Beidaihe.

While Beidaihe has some shopping options, the larger shopping centers and the best markets in the region are in Qinhuangdao. Bargaining can be effective in markets, so do it confidently. In supermarkets and department stores, keep an eye out for discounts, as they are quite common. Be sure to visit the Shitanlu Souvenir Market, which is the largest shopping center in Beidaihe. Here, you can discover souvenirs, artwork, dried and fresh seafood, clothing, and much more.

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