Security in Beidaihe

To make sure your vacation goes smoothly, it is best to familiarize yourself with the safety rules in Beidaihe beforehand.

Beidaihe is a popular tourist city that attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. While it offers many attractions and experiences, it's important to be cautious when exploring the city. The suburb of Qinhuangdao, where Beidaihe is located, has around 65,000 residents. While it's generally safe, like any other place, it's wise to exercise care when on the streets, in markets, and while using public transportation.

To ensure your safety, avoid carrying valuable items, consider leaving large sums of money in hotel safes, and keep a close eye on your belongings. In the evening, it's advisable to avoid walking alone in remote areas of Beidaihe or on deserted beaches. Many restaurants, hotels, and large stores have security guards who can assist you in case of any issues or concerns.

It's worth noting that not all beaches in Beidaihe have lifeguard services. If you choose to swim on the enclosed beaches of hotels, you should generally have no problems. The coastline is well-maintained, with clean shores and a sandy bottom near the shore. Additionally, the sea is fairly shallow in the city area, and there are typically no dangerous currents.

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