Public transportation in Beidaihe

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.


Beidaihe offers a convenient public transportation system primarily consisting of numerous buses, allowing easy access to various tourist spots in the city. However, public transportation follows specific schedules, and many travelers prefer the convenience of taxis as their transportation choice in Beidaihe. The transportation prices in Beidaihe are generally reasonable, with bus fares typically ranging from 1 to 2 CNY.

Purchasing Tickets

Ticket vending machines are available in the cabs of the buses. Bus #34 provides a route from Beidaihe to Qinhuangdao, with a travel time of about 30-40 minutes. Cab fares within Beidaihe typically range from CNY 10 to 15, while prices can go up to CNY 30 to 50 for destinations located approximately half an hour outside the city.

A useful tip for tourists regarding transportation in Beidaihe is to take note of the No. 15 bus, which runs along the entire coastline. Most bus and street signs are in English.

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