How much does it cost to stay in Beidaihe

When thinking about a trip to Beidaihe, it is better to find out the rates of local hotels in advance. We have made a gradation of room rates in hotels of different classes.

Accommodation costs in Beidaihe can be quite affordable, especially if you consider hostels, particularly those not located by the sea. You can find options ranging from 65 to 100 CNY per night. However, even when looking for mid-range hotels with two or three stars and good service, you can still find budget-friendly choices.

Similar hotels in Beidaihe with mid-range prices typically range from CNY 200 to CNY 500 per night. To ensure a comfortable stay, it's recommended to choose hotels that have received positive reviews from previous tourists. Experts suggest focusing on well-known three-star hotels. An example of such a hotel is the Diplomatic Hotel, conveniently located near Central Beach and just a few minutes' walk from the city center.

If you're looking for the most luxurious accommodations, you may need to consider staying in nearby Qinhuangdao, where you can find five-star hotels. For instance, the Grand Hotel Qinhuang at 2 Wentao Road, Haigang District, Qinhuangdao, Hebei, 066004, offers luxury stays, but prices can start from CNY 1,000 per night during the cheapest period.

In Beidaihe itself, four-star hotel room prices typically range from CNY 1,000 to CNY 2,000 per night. Prices tend to be lower in May and October, while the peak season is from July to September, leading to increased accommodation costs during this period.

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