Weather in Beidaihe

When is the best time to go to Beidaihe? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Beidaihe enjoys a temperate continental humid climate with an average annual temperature of around +12°C. In May, temperatures hover around +1°C, while in October, they reach approximately +21°C. During July and August, you can expect temperatures around +25°C, with rare occurrences of temperatures exceeding +33°C. The gentle sea breeze makes even the highest temperatures quite comfortable.

If you're planning a vacation in Beidaihe, it's advisable to check the weather forecast. You can easily access the weather forecasts for Beidaihe and Qinhuangdao for the next 3 to 5 days on any professional weather resource. For extended forecasts covering a week or even 14 days, you can visit this link.

Beidaihe Beach

Best Times to Visit Beidaihe

Planning a trip to Beidaihe requires considering the best time to visit this city. Whether you choose to explore Beidaihe during the summer peak season or opt for a fall getaway can significantly affect your experience. Beidaihe is not just a recreational resort but also a hub of health resorts, known for its mild winters, low precipitation, and the serene waters of its bay. It's one of the most lush and green regions in China.

So, when is the ideal time to visit Beidaihe? Let's start with the fact that the warmest months fall during the summer, with temperatures rising to +30-33°C. August boasts the clearest skies. By October, the temperature hovers around +20°C, and some adventurous souls may still swim in the pleasantly warm waters. During this time, the weather is sunny, and prices begin to drop.

During the winter months, tourism in Beidaihe dwindles, making it an affordable option for travelers. Although fewer people visit during this season, some come for medical treatments or sightseeing. The sea is at its warmest from July to September, while spring often brings strong winds. Hotel prices tend to be slightly higher from June to September, but significant discounts can be found outside the peak summer and holiday season.

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