Public transportation in Heraklion

The cheapest way to travel in Heraklion is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

Heraklion City Transportation

The city of Heraklion is served by the transportation company KTEL, as are the nearest villages within a 12 km radius.

Buses are the main form of public transportation, with a total of 20 bus lines. KTEL's passenger lines are divided into two zones: the first (A) covers the city of Heraklion within a 5km radius from the bus station in the center, the second (B) covers the outskirts of the city and some surrounding villages. In zone A buses leave every 5 minutes, in zone B buses leave every 5-10 minutes. City buses are colored blue, intercity buses are colored green.

Buses stop on demand: you must vote at the bus stop and press the button next to the door. Tickets can be purchased at bus stops or at print kiosks.

Fines for traveling without a ticket range from 40 to 80 EUR. Experienced tourists advise you to keep your tickets for the rest of your trip when using Heraklion's transport (checks are very frequent).

Public transportation in Heraklion

Iraklion has two bus stations for intercity buses:

- in the western part of the city near the old fortress wall is bus station B;

- in the eastern part near the harbor - bus station A.

From these stations you can get to any resort on the island (maximum ticket price 15 EUR). The terminus for city buses is near Bus Station A, and buses to Knossos Palace leave from here.

A cab is another popular form of public transportation in Heraklion. The fare for a cab in Heraklion is fixed by Greek law: the price per boarding is 1.20 EUR. For a call for a certain time will take about 5 EUR, if the luggage weighs more than 10 kg will have to pay about 1 EUR. To pre-calculate the cost of a cab fare, assume 1.30-1.50 EUR per kilometer.

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