
Weather in Heraklion

When is the best time to go to Heraklion? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


In June the temperature is 25-28°C, in July - +31-32°C. There is no need to check the weather in Heraklion 14 days in advance - there is no precipitation at this time (maximum one day in July). In the evenings in the city significantly increases the humidity, because of which tourists often feel discomfort. Take this into account if you're traveling to Heraklion in high season.


Many people prefer to travel to Crete in early fall, when the flow of tourists decreases and hotels have vacant rooms. In September the temperature is +26-27°C, in October the air cools to +18-20°C, but tourists continue to swim until November.

The first rains begin in the second half of October, so be sure to check the weather forecast for Heraklion before departure. November in Crete is unpredictable, with clear and warm days followed by cloudy and rainy days (the only way to organize a good vacation is to monitor the weather in Heraklion every 3 days).



Like the other Greek islands, winter in Heraklion is warm - there is no frost or snow (although it is possible in the mountainous regions of Crete), and the thermometer does not fall below +13°C during the day (the winter minimum is +10°C on February nights). The main disadvantage is frequent downpours: in December, Heraklion begins the real rainy season! The maximum rainfall is in January (about 13 rainy days out of thirty), with February being the coldest winter month.

Should I go to Heraklion in winter? There is no clear answer to this question. On the one hand, swimming is impossible and many hotels are closed, but on the other, there's nothing to stop you enjoying the peace and quiet and exploring the collections of the local museums.


Spring here is quite short but attractive to tourists. March is not the best time to visit the resort, as it is not much different from the winter months (up to +16°C, the end of the "rainy season" in Heraklion). As early as early April, temperatures in Heraklion rise to +18-20°C and everything is in full bloom.

But evenings are still cool (+15-16°C), so be sure to check the weather in Heraklion for 5 days and bring jackets before you leave. In May it's warm enough to stay below +18°C even in the evenings.


When is it cheaper to go to Heraklion?

The most economical, but not the most exciting, vacation in the resort is from November to March. During this period you should check the weather in Heraklion once a week or even more often. In the resort in the "low season" it's rainy, dank and rather boring.

"The high season" in Heraklion also has a few drawbacks: scorching sun, stuffiness, crowds of tourists in the city and on the beaches. Therefore, the best time to visit Heraklion is April, May and September: the air and water temperatures are pleasant, accommodation and airfare are much cheaper, and there are not too many vacationers.

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