Public transportation in Kos

The cheapest way to travel in Kos is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation in Kos

The main mode of transportation in Kos is the ΚΤΕL buses. They are quite comfortable, air-conditioned and run strictly on time (the suburban buses are additionally equipped with luggage compartments).

Transportation prices in Kos are affordable: a ride within the city costs 1.70 EUR (if you buy from the driver) and 1.60 EUR (if you buy tickets from kiosks). You can also pick up timetables and bus schedules for Kos at ticket kiosks.

Suburban buses cost from 2 to 8 EUR (for 8 EUR you can get to the opposite end of the island). Boarding is done at the bus station - you find the right bus, take a seat, and the driver will take you to the bus before departure. Tourists who have visited Kos recommend keeping your tickets for the rest of the trip - there are ticket controllers on the lines.

Public transportation

The second popular form of public transportation in Kos is cabs. Their parking lots are located under signs with a blue "T". The fare is paid according to the meter, plus 1.30 EUR for boarding and 2 EUR for calling by phone. In addition, you pay for a call to a certain time (3-6 EUR) and for luggage weighing more than 10 kg (0.50 EUR). At night (from 22:00 to 8:00) the fare is more expensive by 30%, on holidays - by 50%. By the way, be careful: cab drivers in Kos like to take tourists on roundabouts, showing off the sights, as well as picking up hitchhikers.

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