Weather in Kos

When is the best time to go to Kos? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


Summer arrives in Kos as early as May, with the thermometer reading +26-27°C. In July and August it's hot - +33-34°C and up to +40°C in the sun (that's why it's best to stay in your room during the midday hours). You don't need to check the weather in Kos for 5-10 days ahead - summers are dry, hot and clear (it rains for a maximum of 2 days a month).

landscape, Kos


Almost all of September in Kos is very hot during the day - +29-30 ° C, at night the air cools down to +19-20 ° C. Bathing season lasts until November, when the rains begin. If you go to the resort in November and do not want to stay in your room all the time because of rains, find out the weather in Kos for a week in advance. Also, don't forget to bring warm clothes - temperatures can be as low as +12°C in the evenings in November.



The first winter months see the maximum amount of precipitation - be prepared to be disappointed by the weather forecast for Kos (up to 15 cloudy days out of 30). The winters in Kos are relatively warm and frost-free - even on winter nights the thermometer does not drop below +8°C (in any case, we recommend checking the weather in Kos for 14 days before departure).

January and February are the coldest months, with temperatures never rising above +13°C. Should I go to Kos in winter? If you're only interested in local cuisine, archaeological sites and good wine and cheese, you won't be able to enjoy a beach vacation (unless you're an experienced walrus).



Spring Kos is blooming and smelling! However, March in the city is quite unpleasant - this month is the real rainy season in Kos, with occasional downpours (if you are here at this time, get ready to find out the weather in Kos for every 3 days). With the arrival of April, the weather improves, rains are less frequent, the air warms up to +18-20 ° C, and in May you can open the bathing season. Many people recommend May for traveling with children - the sun is not dangerous at this time and there is every chance of getting a good tan quickly and safely!


When is it cheaper to go to Kos?

The most "deserted" months in Kos are November, the winter months and March. This is a rainy and cool period, only occasionally diluted by sunny days. There are almost no tourists at this time, as well as ferry service to the mainland. If you want to save money, but do not deprive yourself of a beach vacation, we recommend going to Kos in May and the first half of June, as well as in the first two months of fall. At this time, the weather is almost always clear and sunny, with optimal water temperatures in the Aegean Sea. At the same time, beaches and hotels are not overcrowded.

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