Mykonos weather

When is the best time to travel to Mykonos? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Average annual air temperatures in Mykonos range from +21 to +27°C, while water temperatures in the Aegean Sea range from +19 to +23°C.

When is the best time to go to Mykonos?

There is no definite answer to this question, as the island is gorgeous at any time of year. Of course, as in other resort towns, there are high and low seasons. The first one starts in April and ends in October. At this time the sea warms up to +20-22°C, although the warmest season is from June to August, when the water warms up to +24°C.

Despite the high thermometer readings in the summer months, Mykonos doesn't have to suffer the heat: strong northeast and north winds are a regular visitor to the island. Although on the southern coast they are not really noticeable as most of the beaches are located amongst the cliffs. The northern part of the island is ideal for windsurfing, thanks to the same winds.

Mykonos weather

When is it cheaper to go to Mykonos?

The most "economical" time to visit Mykonos is from November to March. However, you can't even count on a light snowfall, but you can count on the healing sea air. We recommend going to Mykonos from the second half of April, while there are still no crowds of tourists. So in mid-March you can safely announce to your friends: "I'm going to Mykonos!". Swimming, however, is an individual matter - not everyone dares to swim in water temperatures of +16-18°C.

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