
Public transportation in Calella

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

Public transportation in Calella is represented by buses and cabs. The average cab fare is 1.2 EUR per kilometer, while a bus ride to different parts of the city costs 1.4 EUR.

Transportation in Calella includes the original excursion steam train (fare around the city is 1.5 EUR). It's a great way to transfer from the train station and beach to the hotels.

Calella station is a major rail hub. You can use the scheme to plan trips around Catalonia freely. Prices for this transportation in Calella depend on the selected fare: one trip - 1.4-4.65 EUR for different zones, BONOTREN for 10 trips - 7.45-31.35 EUR. "One-time" tickets are used within 2 hours from the moment of purchase, Bonotren validation period is 1 month. For a list of zones with current fares, please visit the website.

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