"Black paella at Riera de Capaspre.

An overview of the best places to visit in Calella.

The top restaurants in Calella according to traveler reviews are consistently:

- Les Caves is arguably the best meat restaurant in town. On the menu: entrecotes, kebabs, steaks, chicken, hare, lamb and veal steaks. Little secrets of the restaurant Calella: individual menu can be ordered from the freshest meat presented at the showcase Les Caves. It will be convenient to watch its preparation from the lounge. Vegetable salad, as a rule, is served together with the main course, liqueur (grappa), which perfectly relieves heaviness in the stomach, serves as a "compliment" to coffee. The average check of the place is about 20 EUR.

Restaurant La Peixateria in Calella

- La Peixateria is deservedly considered one of the best restaurants in Calella. It has creatively developed the concept of "sea cuisine" based on Mediterranean traditions. The menu features a variety of seafood and fresh fish dishes with delicate sauces and vegetable appetizers. Visitors of La Peixateria come back here again and again not only for fresh gourmet impressions, but also for the special atmosphere created on the picturesque summer veranda. The restaurant is ideal for dinners in a friendly company. The average check is 25 EUR.

- Casa Carlos, where delicious pork shanks, Catalan salad, fragrant Spanish sausages and several dozen more dishes of traditional Mediterranean cuisine are served. A La Carte menu is 20-35 EUR.

Seafood in Fandino

Calella's inexpensive restaurants are also hugely popular. Be sure to visit Fandino, a famous restaurant with a huge selection of tapas: jamon croquettes, garlic chorizo, nawajas (fried clam knives) with cayenne pepper, cold mussels under a vegetable coat, scallop ceviche and much, much more. Prices at this Calella restaurant are moderate - dinner for two will cost 30-38 EUR.

In the marvelous Terracota pizzeria, the art of preparing the traditional Mediterranean dish is taken to an unattainable level. A variety of toppings, flavorful sauces, any size slices, checks from 10 EUR!

Well, the most delicious chicken in Calella is at La Roda. Travel tip: Don't order anything extra here - just half a chicken in a fragrant garlic sauce, tomatoes and sangria. The taste of the dish will pleasantly surprise you, and the cost of the meal will not exceed 10-15 EUR.

"Black paella at Riera de Capaspre.

It is customary to leave a tip in Calella to "round up the amount". It is appropriate for orders up to 30 EUR. In other cases, the tip is left at the discretion of the diners and is on average up to 10% of the check for group dinners, individual events and orders of 50 EUR or more.

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