
Weather in Calella

When is the best time to go to Calella? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

Winter Calella is a godsend for lovers of secluded vacations. Weather forecasts in Calella for 3 days, weather forecasts in Calella for a week promises amazing constancy of daytime temperatures - at the level of +15-16 °С. Cold winds, which in January-February from the west bring cyclones to the Iberian Peninsula, reaching Calella, lose their strength. There is no intense precipitation during the winter months in Calella, only increased humidity. The water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is set at +13°C.

Winter vacation in Calella is shopping at Christmas sales and fairs, excursions to Barcelona, participation in the festive processions on St. Lucia Day (December 13), the procession of the three wise men Cabalgata.

Calella in spring

When is it cheaper to go to Calella? In winter, of course!

The spring season in Calella is sunny, favoring beach vacations (this is the time when you can get a great tan). In the current weather forecasts in Calella, weather reports in Calella for 14 days, the air temperature rises to +20-22 ° C, water - up to +17 ° C.

Spring vacation in Calella is inextricably linked with visiting natural parks, including Els Eucaliptus on the border with El Poblenou, gastronomic excursions, walks on Passeig Garbi, Passeig de Manuel Puigvert. It is worth going to Calella in spring, if only to enjoy the colorful March Carnival, to take part in the creation of flower carpets in Corpus Christi (Barcelona).

In summer, the weather in Calella is resort, sunny, hot - up to +37 ° C. The Mediterranean Sea warms up to +22-27°C. Fortunately, the breezes blowing on the coast help to bear such heat quite comfortably. Even at the peak of the season Calella does not look like an anthill.

Calella in the fall is warm and peaceful. According to weather forecasts in Calella for 5 days, until the end of November in the region are kept quite high average daily temperatures of air (+20 ° C) and water (+18-19 ° C). There may be some cloud cover, but this will not prevent you from enjoying the festivities on Catalunya Day (September 11) and the La Mercè festival in honor of Our Lady of Mercy, the patron saint of Barcelona (late September).

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