Car rental in Tossa de Mar

If you want to feel free on vacation and drive around the neighborhoods of Tossa de Mar, rent a car.

To get around Tossa de Mar, it's worth hiring a car from one of the resort's several rental shops.

Please note the basic requirements in force throughout Spain:
- it is necessary to have a passport and an international license;
- the driver's age should be at least 21 years (in some cases - at least 23 and even 26 years), and the driving experience - at least 1-2 years.

The most popular local car rental in Tossa de Mar is OLIMPIA. To see the cars, cost and terms of renting a car in Tossa de Mar from this company, visit the site.

Prices for car rental in Tossa de Mar start from 50 EUR per day for the most economical models, such as the Chevrolet Spark or Ford Focus.

American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard, Visa credit cards are usually accepted for payment. Pay attention to what kind of insurance the firm offers you (basic or comprehensive). It usually includes a deductible, which you'll have to pay out of your own money in the event of an accident.

If you will be traveling around the country, be prepared to pay toll roads (for example, in Barcelona - from 4 to 12 EUR). Parking has traditionally been a problem in major cities.

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