Public transportation in Tossa de Mar

The cheapest way to get around Tossa de Mar is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

City transportation

The main transportation in Tossa de Mar is buses, usually intercity buses. They run frequently from the local bus station, stopping at all the nearby towns. To get into town, recommend tourist transportation in Tossa de Mar to use this rather than a rental car, as is common in Spain.

The thing is that the town is off the main highway, and the road to it winds serpentine down the hill. Without good driving skills, it's a risky road to take. In addition, it is difficult to find a parking lot in the city. Therefore, if you like to move with comfort, it is better to order a cab. But you can easily walk from the local bus station to any hotel.

Local transportation

Since the town is small, public transportation in Tossa de Mar is replaced by bicycles, which can easily get to any part of town. In fact, you can take a tourist streetcar up the steep 70-meter-high road to the Vila Vella fortress.

Tossa de Mar public transport is also represented by boats, which you can ride not only for the excursion, but also to get to neighboring cities - Lloret, Barcelona, Girona. Prices for Tossa de Mar transportation along the coast depend on the duration of the excursion. A round-trip ticket for a three-hour ride costs 30 EUR.

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