Eilat climate

Learn all about Eilat's climatic conditions and the flora and fauna of the resort.

Eilat has a unique subtropical climate. As it is the driest area of Israel, its climate is very mild even in winter, and the sun is warm 365 days a year. The reason for this is its location between the major deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Humidity is only 20-30% here, and in summer temperatures can sometimes rise to 50°C. However, the region's dryness and winds make it easy to bear the heat.

Winter in Eilat is warm and mild, with little rainfall. This unique climate has made Eilat a recognized winter holiday destination that attracts many tourists from all over the world.

underwater world in Eilat

Vegetation and Animal Life

The natural landscapes of Eilat are wonderful, because the city itself is an oasis in the middle of the sultry desertand. The vegetation of Eilat is fascinating. You can see bizarre coral reefs and smoky purple mountains that make Eilat look like a fairyland.

The Gulf of Eilat is famous for its rich underwater world, which attracts a large number of people who want to admire it.

Thanks to the high temperatures and excellent transparency, the Red Sea has all the necessary conditions for the birth and reproduction of unique underwater fauna and flora. Today it is home to around a thousand different species of fish, including some exotic and some truly rare. To see the colorful swarms of fish and beautiful coral reefs, all you need to do is scuba dive on an underwater excursion.

There are a lot of coral reefs here - they are literally everywhere and tightly packed together. Due to the high evaporation rate, the bay concentrates a high percentage of salts. This environment is very favorable for corals.

wildlife in Eilat

In 1966, the Eilat coast was declared a nature reserve. Now, 40 kilometers from Eilat, you can visit the Hai Lat Nature Reserve and see different species of animals.

The park should be driven in a car, but the windows should be closed. The animals here are very peaceful and have long been accustomed to people, but the ostriches are also very curious - they boldly approach the car, trying it out with their powerful beaks. At the end of the journey, you can get out of the car and go to the aviaries where birds and predatory animals are kept.

Eilat is located on a bird migration route. And twice a year, millions of birds fly through this area to winter in Africa and back to Europe. Therefore, at the entrance to Eilat, near the checkpoint to Jordan founded an ornithological center. Part of it is set aside for scientific work, and the second part is intended for curious visitors. Sitting in a cozy gazebo, you can observe through the bushes and trees the behavior of rare species of birds, as well as flocks by the water, which stop here to rest after a hard flight.

The park has an artificial landscape, a pond with fresh water and plants familiar to most birds. All this, of course, attracts the birds that fly over the desert. They always stop here for a break after a hard journey to eat and regain their strength.

giant cacti in Eilat

There is also a wonderful botanical garden in Eilat. Although it is small, but walks here are very cozy and interesting. In Rain Forest every 9 minutes there is a simulation of rain. There you can take photos by a mini waterfall, a large African baobab, a giant cactus, and take a break in the shade of the trees in a cozy equipped corner.

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