Best Restaurants in Eilat

An overview of the best places to visit in Eilat.

Eilat has plenty of restaurants, bars, and eateries of all kinds. Among them are some that have been popular with tourists for years. Among the "meat" restaurants are ElGaucho, an Argentinian restaurant, as well as CasaDo-Brazil, Papagaio, SantaFe, TexasGril, Boston, Buffalo Steak House, and Pedro.

Fish and seafood lovers can feast at Last Refuge, Denis Kingdom, Pago-Pago, or the luxurious Ponton, located on a giant platform jutting out into the bay.

Eilat has the world's first restaurant 6 meters underwater, complete with elevator and observation decks. The menu includes calamari, mussels, shrimp, spaghetti, salads, and a wide selection of meat dishes.

Fans of sushi and other Japanese delicacies can dine at Yoshida Japanese Restaurant downtown. Another restaurant with two dining rooms - Japanese and Chinese - is Asian Garden. Yakimono Sushi Bar is also a favorite.

Those who prefer Italian cuisine should definitely visit the restaurants LaCuisine, Pastory, pasta bar Il Pentolino, and grill bar Bar Bagrill. Fans of French cuisine will find LaCascade.

When it comes to bar restaurants, the most popular are Three Monkeys Pub, Park Avenue, Paddy's, and Penelopa. The Shibulim Bakery and Café Bakery offers excellent fresh baked goods.

If you fancy a pizza in Eilat, go to Milano, Pizza Delicious, Pizza Bar, Pizza Del Piero, Pizza Meter.

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