Eilat public transportation

The cheapest way to get around is by public transportation. Find out all about Eilat's transportation links and ticket prices.

Public Transportation System

In Eilat, public transportation is represented by buses and taxis.

The majority of intracity and intercity transportation is provided by Eged, whose website has all the necessary information including schedules, costs, and conditions for discounts or reduced fares. The cost of a single fare is 4.2 ILS. Almost all buses originate from the Central Bus Station located at 12 Ha-Tmarim Boulevard.

Eged Park Buses

Bus Routes

You can also go by bus to the Dead Sea - for 55 ILS (2 hours 35 minutes), to Tel Aviv - 65 ILS (5 hours 35 minutes), to Jerusalem - 65 ILS (4 hours 55 minutes).

There are a number of downsides, however. First, buses don't run on the Sabbath - from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening. Second, you need to know exactly which stop to get off at, as the names are announced in Hebrew. Thirdly, buses can run once an hour, which is not always convenient.

To get to the desired place by cab, you should know that the cost of a cab ride in Eilat is regulated by a special meter (during the day it costs from 12 ILS, and in the evening - from 15 ILS). It is better to find out the price from the cab driver before you get into the car or agree on a fixed price for the trip. This is relevant if there are traffic jams on the roads - so the cost will be much cheaper than on the meter.

You can order a cab in advance or stop the car right on the street. If you order a cab over the phone, you will pay another 5 ILS on top, and another 10 ILS.

City cab

Taxi Fares

The cab fare rises from 9:00 pm in the evening and returns to normal at 5:30 am. Also, this increased fare is also relevant on holidays, as well as on the Sabbath.

There is also the option of a "tourist cab" service. A professional tour guide will sit behind the wheel and give you a ride to wherever you need to go, as well as a tour of the city.

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