How much does it cost to vacation in Eilat

There are indeed many types of entertainment in Eilat, but how much does it cost to vacation in this city?

Eilat Vacation Prices

Many travelers, when choosing a place to rest, opt for Eilat, and it's not surprising. This resort offers comfortable conditions for relaxation and a wide range of entertainment options. Eilat offers numerous opportunities for active leisure, including various water sports, and provides a variety of excursions for its guests.

Despite the generally high cost of recreation in Israel, the prices for entertainment in Eilat are quite affordable. For example, excursions start from 100 ILR. Prices in shopping centers will definitely please you because Eilat is the center of duty-free trade. A visit to Kings City amusement park will cost 125 ILR for adults and 99 ILR for younger travelers.

Eilat Aquarium underwater observatory

A vacation in Eilat will appeal to adults and children, as well as couples in love on a wedding trip or just relaxing together. And there's plenty of room for a fun group of friends!

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