Excursions in Eilat

To diversify your vacation and get to know the city better, take a sightseeing tour of Eilat.

Car Tours to Eilat

In Eilat, it is possible to go on a car or bus tour, as well as to visit the mountains. In these places, they have a very unusual and even bizarre shape. The most famous of them are Amranovy pillars, the gorge of King Shlomo (Solomon), the Red Gorge. Also nearby is the oasis of Ein Nefatim, which is famous for a spring of mineral water flowing down from the mountains.

bus trip to Eilat

Yachting Excursions

Eilat excursions include a yacht ride on Eilat Bay (cost about 117 ILR), a cruise to Egypt's Jules Verne Coral Island (about 235 ILR), a trip on a transparent-bottom ship (about 79 ILR), a casino steamer (about 117 ILR), and a musical folklore evening at a kibbutz (about 189 IL).

The proximity of the Arava Desert provides special activities and excursions. There are mini jeep, quad bike and tractor rides, camel rides, and, for the more adventurous and energetic, rock climbing and biking.

yacht ride on the Gulf of Eilat

Often specifically for excursions to Eilat, locals from Israel come to Eilat using the services of travel agencies.

While vacationing in Eilat, you can also visit the Dead Sea, which is located 360 km from Eilat, on the border with Jordan. You can book a day trip with local travel agencies, as well as with hotel guides. By the way, there are guides in their own cars.

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