Sanremo weather

When is the best time to go to Sanremo? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.


The bathing season in San Remo starts as early as May when the air warms up to around +20°C. Like in other cities in Liguria, the weather here is dry and not extremely hot (up to +29-30°C). The heat is quite tolerable due to the low humidity in San Remo. It is sufficient to check the weather forecast for San Remo up to 14 days in advance, as there is very little rainfall during the summer, and temperatures may only slightly drop to around +27-28°C. Is it worth going to San Remo for a beach vacation? It is considered not the best beach area in Liguria, as there are much more convenient beaches to be found in Menton, Sestri Levante, or Saint-Raphaël.

Sanremo's promenade in summer


In September, San Remo does not experience a significant decrease in tourist numbers as the bathing season continues until early October, as long as the air temperature stays above +25°C. From the second half of October, it is advisable to check the weather forecast for San Remo every 3 days. Most of the rainfall in San Remo occurs during the autumn months, although there is no distinct rainy season.

Sanremo in autumn


Even in January and February, the daytime air temperature in San Remo does not drop below +15°C (down to +5°C at night). Before your trip, it is advisable to check the weather forecast for San Remo for the upcoming week. Generally, the weather during this time is clear, but there may be occasional rain showers and wet snow. Visiting San Remo in winter is recommended primarily for budget-conscious travelers or those who prefer coastal walks over beach activities.

Overcast over Sanremo in winter


In March, the weather in the town is relatively cool, around +15°C, and there can be chilling winds blowing from the sea. The tourist season in San Remo starts in the second half of April when gardens and parks come into bloom, and the number of cloudy days decreases (around 6-7 days out of 30). However, it's important not to let your guard down as the weather forecast for spring in San Remo often includes heavy rain showers. Swimming is possible in the second half of May when the water temperature reaches around +22-23°C.

a spring blooming park in Sanremo

When is it cheaper to go to Sanremo?

From mid-November to the end of March, accommodation in Sanremo is reasonably priced. The only exception is the period from the second half of February to early March, when the legendary Italian Song Festival takes place.

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