
Rent a car in Zakopane

We will tell you the best place to rent a car in Zakopane and how much it will cost.

If you want to not only relax in Zakopane but also travel to nearby cities in Poland, it would be best to rent a budget car. Having a credit card, an international driver's license, and being at least 21 years old gives you the right to rent a car. You can arrange car rental from the city where you arrive in Poland.

The most convenient option is to book a car rental in Zakopane in advance from home, using specialized websites that offer 24/7 car reservations.

Local small companies offer car rental without a deposit in Zakopane, but we recommend that you turn to large network companies to avoid unnecessary difficulties when returning the car.

The average price for renting an economy-class car in Zakopane is from 172 PLN per day. For this price, you will be provided with a small two-door Ford car.

You can find cheap car rentals in Zakopane here.

Please note that during holidays and peak tourist seasons, there may be difficulties with parking and traffic congestion when using a car to access the ski lifts.

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