
Weather in Zakopane

Before you go to Zakopane, find out what the weather will be on the selected dates.

Zakopane ski resort is located almost on the border with Slovakia, at the foot of the only in Poland alpine type mountains - the Tatras. Therefore masses of tourists are attracted to Zakopane not only excellent ski slopes, but also a mild mountain climate, famous for its healing properties. People suffering from respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, anemia can get an opportunity to improve their health at Zakopane Resort.

Skiing season in Zakopane starts in December, when the weather forecast promises steady frost and snow. The temperature in Zakopane in winter is almost always stable at -3 to 10°C. Clear, sunny weather can last all 14 days of your vacation. The skiing season lasts almost until the beginning of May when the temperature rises to 8-10°C and ski lovers can sunbathe while skiing.

Christmas in Zakopane

Weather in Zakopane in summer is also nice warm (average temperature of +15°C). It is the stability of the weather facilitates hiking for 5 days without fear of getting into trouble.

However, it is worth noting that quite often in the mountains blows a strong, though warm wind, which is called halal. At the highest gusts the wind speed reaches 280 km/hour. This wind affects the well-being of holidaymakers. You should take this feature into account when visiting Zakopane. Here you can find detailed weather forecast for the week.

The weather in Zakopane is especially good during the New Year holidays. Three days of relaxation at the beginning of the year is guaranteed. Celebrate New Year in Zakopane and you will fall in love with this city forever.

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