
How much does it cost to stay in Zakopane

We can help you calculate an approximate budget for a trip to Zakopane

Vacationers in Zakopane can choose accommodation depending on their financial capabilities and the purpose of their trip. If you are a fan of hiking and want to spend your vacation with a backpack on your shoulders, Zakopane accommodation can be relatively inexpensive.

In this case we recommend you to choose boarding houses with medium level of comfort and everything you need for active recreation.

The price for a night in Zakopane guesthouses with meals is 35 PLN per person. The price charged on weekdays is between 25 and 30 PLN (excluding meals), while the price goes up to 50 PLN per person on national holidays.

Note that offers near train stations tend to be more expensive than in town.

Prices for hotels in Zakopane are unstable and depend on the season. During the national holidays when the whole country gathers in Zakopane, it is not that easy to find a free room and will cost 30-40% more than on weekdays. Usual room rates for 3-star hotels start at 115 PLN.

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