How do I get to La Baule from the airport?

If you are going to drive to La Baule on your own, research all possible routes from the nearest airport to the tourist center of the city.

The best way to get from Nantes International Airport to La Baule is on the French TGV and TER trains, which run daily from Nantes-La Baule-Escoublac. However, the train departs not from the airport, but from the railway station Nantes Central. To the railway station of Nantes from the airport you can get in 20-30 minutes by air bus (navette aeroport), on weekdays running every half hour from 5:30 to 23:15, and on Sundays and holidays - from 6:15 to 23:15. The stop of the aerobus is located in front of the exit from Nantes airport hall 1. The ticket price is 7 EUR.

At the train station, you can buy a train ticket to La Baule at a special kiosk or vending machine. Departure schedule - every hour, travel time - an hour and a half, ticket price - about 15 EUR. You can find out more about schedules and booking tickets here.

From Paris airport to La Baule, you can also take the TGV train (departing from Aéroport Paris-Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle (CDG 2) - RER or Montparnasse train station). The ticket price is about 60 EUR. For more information on schedules and ticket reservations, please here.

The most convenient way to get to La Baule, however, is by car. The A11 and A10 highways lead from Paris to La Baule, and the N165 and N171 from Nantes. Travel times are 4-5 and 3.5 hours respectively.

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