Public transportation in La Baule

The cheapest way to travel in La Baule is by public transportation. Find out all about the city's transport links and ticket prices.

Public transportation

The most popular mode of transportation in La Baule is by car. But if you prefer public transportation, you can get anywhere on the coast by train.

The railroads of La Baule are operated by the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (SNCF). Two types of trains stop at La Baule railway station:

- high-speed trains - Train a Grand Vitesse (TGV), which have a maximum speed of 300 km/h. The seats in TGV are seated. You can take this train to Charles de Gaulle airport or Disneyland. A special variety of this type of trains - TGV Atlantique Sud-Quest and TGV Atlantique Quest - connects La Baule with the Paris station Montparnasse (Gare Montparnasse). The ticket price is around 60 EUR.

- Train Express Regional (TER) - Train Express Regional (TER) is a train with 1st and 2nd class carriages with seats. There are six sleeping compartments in 2nd class (lower, middle and upper shelves) and four in 1st class. The ticket price in 1st class is 50% more expensive than in 2nd class (in 2nd class on long routes from 8.50-10 EUR per 100 km, on short routes from 11.50-15 EUR.


Tickets can be bought at railway stations in special kiosks: Intermational (international flights), Grandes lignes (long-distance trains), Banlieue (suburban routes), as well as in vending machines (credit cards can be used for purchases of 2 EUR or more).

Tip for travelers. Be sure to compost your tickets before boarding the car in Italy. There are composters on the platform for this purpose.

Another form of public transportation in La Baule is the Lila bus network (line A "La Baule-Guérande" or lines G, H or J). The ticket costs 2.40 EUR and is bought in the cabin, from the driver.

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