How much does it cost to live in La Baule?

When thinking about a trip to La Baule, it is better to find out in advance the rates in local hotels. We have made a gradation of room rates in hotels of different classes.

The price of accommodation in La Baule hotels depends on their proximity to the water (almost all of them are located almost within walking distance to the beaches), the season and even the age of the building. The cost of accommodation in 5-star hotels or luxury villas on the first coastline starts from 200-400 EUR, in 3 and 4-star hotels closer to the ocean - from 80-110 EUR. The most inexpensive accommodation in La Baule is in hotels located 20-30 minutes walk from the beaches, or hostels. The average price for accommodation in the former - from 60-80 EUR, in the latter - from 40 EUR.

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