How much does it cost to live in Nice

When thinking about a trip to Nice, it is better to find out in advance the rates in local hotels. We have graded the cost of rooms in hotels of different classes.

The Côte d'Azur is considered an expensive resort destination. However, it is realistic to find options for cheap accommodation in Nice. The minimum you will have to pay is 15-20 EUR (per night in a local hostel). Such accommodation is available in the central part of the city, near the train station and in the north of the resort.

The price of accommodation in Nice in B&B (bed and breakfast) or with one or two stars - from 20-30 EUR per night. Accommodation is offered mainly along the Promenade des Anglais, in the center, as well as to the north and east of it.

Hotels with three to five stars are the most numerous in the city, and they are usually located on the first line near the sea, in the central part of Nice.

The cost of accommodation in such hotels is from 40-60 EUR per day, prestigious establishments ask for their services not less than 100 EUR. The closer to the holiday season, the higher the prices are (two or three times).

The cheapest options are in late January and early February. In March-April most rooms for June-September in Nice are already booked.

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