Weather in Nice

When is the best time to go to Nice? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

The resort city will appeal to you at any time of year, but if you fancy a beach vacation, come to the French Riviera from mid-May to mid-September. During these months, the Mediterranean Sea near Nice is warm enough for swimming and the rainy season has passed or not yet begun.


Spring is perhaps the most beautiful season on the Côte d'Azur. In March, spring gives about itself know with a slight increase in temperature (up to +13-15°C). At times it rains, strong wind blows, so before arriving it is worth looking at the weather forecast in Nice every 3 days. In April, daytime temperatures reach +17-20°C.

Precipitation is on the wane. The start of the holiday season is in May. The air warms up to +19-22°C and the sea water to +18°C. You may not see rain in the 14-day weather forecast, but bring a thin, waterproof windbreaker.

springtime in Nice


June is warm and dry on the French Riviera. If you look at the summer weather forecast for Nice, you might find five days with brief precipitation. You're unlikely to find more. In June, the swimming season officially opens in the resort. The sea warms up to +21°C and the air to +24°C during the day.

In July and August, the thermometer reads +27°C or even more than +30°C. With the tramontana blowing from the sea, wearing light-colored natural fabrics and a hat, the heat can be easily tolerated. The Mediterranean Sea with its low tides warms up to +24-25°C.

Summer in Nice


The velvet season comes to the city in September. This is a good time for families with children and those who can't stand the heat. At the beginning of the month, the temperature of the water in the sea stays at +21-24 ° C. The air is warmed up to +24-25°C. Closer to October, clouds appear in the sky and the rains begin.

If you're heading to Nice for a week or two at this time, the weather forecast is likely to show you'll need a jacket and closed shoes. The weather in Nice is also changeable in November. The air temperature drops to +16-17°C. It's more comfortable in the sea than on land (+18-19°C).

Autumn in Nice


December through February on the French Riviera are warm months, but rainy. Snow is considered an anomaly here, although in the Alps it's a regular occurrence. The weather forecast for Nice shows an average of +12-14°C.

The coldest month is January. Occasionally the thermometer can go a degree or two below zero. In February, temperatures sometimes rise to +20°C. On such days, Nice restaurants can serve their customers on their summer floors.

Winter in Nice

When should you go to the capital of the French Riviera?

The resort welcomes visitors all year round. Nice's beach season opens at the end of May. Even earlier, the city is flooded by crowds of celebrities and their fans. Hotel and restaurant prices skyrocket. One cup of coffee costs 10-20 EUR. Nightclubs, casinos, shopping and other entertainment costs fabulous sums. Traffic jams form on the roads. By mid-June, many people are already swimming.

At the same time, Nice attracts fans not only of the sea and sun, but also of bohemian parties, concerts and festivals, such as France's oldest International Jazz Festival. So if you've decided: "I'm going to Nice during the holiday season", take care of your accommodation in advance.

A the cheapest time to go to Nice is from the end of October to the end of April. In the "low season" not only air temperature decreases, but also prices. You can rent accommodation for 50% cheaper than in summer. Is it worth going to Nice not in the beach season? Unequivocally, yes! The Côte d'Azur is not only a marvelous sea, but also many monuments of history, architecture, art, as well as the Carnival of Nice, Christmas swim, Spring Museums, May Day and others.

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