Walking in Rome

The best way to get in touch with the spirit of Rome is to take a leisurely stroll through the ancient streets.

Here's an approximate walking route in Rome that will allow you to cover many interesting locations:

1. Start your journey by visiting the Colosseum (located near the Colosseo metro station, Via dei Fori Imperiali). Then, walk along Via dei Fori Imperiali to reach Capitoline Hill (Campidoglio) and take a few photos at Piazza Venezia at the foot of the hill. This is one of the main squares of the city, and it is home to the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II (Altare della Patria).

2. Next on the route is the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II. We recommend going up to the viewpoint where you can enjoy a magnificent view of the city. After descending, head towards Capitoline Hill.

3. Ascend the Cordonata staircase to the hilltop, and you will come across the statue of Marcus Aurelius. After passing through the square, make a stop and be sure to find the column with the monument of the Capitoline Wolf, which depicts the legendary she-wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus, the mythical founders of the city.

4. Descending from the hill, follow Via d’Aracoeli until you reach Piazza del Gesù. Pass by the Church of the Gesù (Chiesa del Sacro Nome di Gesù) and continue along Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. After 3-4 minutes on your route through Rome, you will reach Piazza Torre Argentina, where you can find the ruins of ancient Roman temples.

On the same street you will pass the dragon fountain Fontana del Maderno. After passing it, turn off onto Corso del Rinascimento, walk to Palazzo Madama and cross over to Piazza Navona. Here, in the piazza, is the most beautiful fountain of the four rivers, the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi (in which the characters of Dolce Vita bathed at night).

5. Return along the same street you came from the fountain. Pass by the Italian Senate on Via del Salvatore, and you will find yourself on Via Giustiniani, which will lead you to the Pantheon on Piazza della Rotonda. Do you see the obelisk in front of it? It is a monument from the time of Pharaoh Ramesses II (how it ended up in Italy is still unknown to scientists).

After visiting the Pantheon, walk along Via del Seminario and take a stroll down Via del Corso. This is the oldest street in Rome, dating back to the time of the Empire. It will lead you to the final destination of your walk.

6. Your tourist route in Rome will end at the Trevi Fountain. Don't forget to stand with your back to the fountain and throw coins over your left shoulder with your right hand: one coin if you want to return to Rome, two coins if you want to make friends with an Italian, three coins if you dream of finding your soulmate.

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