Weather in Lloret de Mar

When is the best time to go to Lloret de Mar? We can tell you the weather conditions in the city and the forecast for the right dates.

What is the climate in Lloret de Mar?

The Costa Brava has a Mediterranean subtropical climate, which means it is warm and comfortable all year round.

For example, the 'standard' weather in Lloret de Mara for 3 days in December, January and February shows that temperatures in these months do not fall below +10°C.

If your trip to Spain falls in the spring months, the weather in Lloret de Mar for a week in March usually promises +12°C, +15°C in April and +17°C in May.

Spring in Lloret de Mar

You will definitely love this resort if you can't stand the grueling summer heat: the weather in Lloret de Mar for 14 days from June to August gives you beautiful days with average daily temperatures of +22-26°С.

September can well be called the velvet season - at this time the temperature is +20-25°C. And the November weather in Lloret de Mar for 5 days is usually +15-17°C.

Autumn in Lloret de Mar

When is the best time to go to Lloret de Mar?

After you've decided, "That's it, I'm going to Lloret de Mar this year," it's time to figure out the best time to go.

It all depends on your main purpose for traveling. Perhaps you're dreaming of an unforgettable beach vacation. When asked when is the best time to go to Lloret de Mar to swim and sunbathe, experienced travelers suggest June to October, when the weather is at its warmest.

If your tour's main objective is educational (for example, if you're traveling in Europe or Spain), you'll be pleased to know that the sightseeing season is year-round.

Autumn in Lloret de Mar

When is it cheaper to go to Lloret de Mar?

December to March is the most inexpensive period, as the weather is cooler and the number of tourists decreases significantly.

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